Promark Airbrush Helmet Project
The above 3 pictures are of the helmet with the hardware and shield removed. No scuffing or cleaning yet. |
Here, the entire surface has been scuffed with maroon ScotchBrite and cleaned with S-K Grease & Wax remover. Next step will be masking and laying down Auto Air Sealer - White to cover the logos which are under the clearcoat. |
The helmet has been stripped, scuffed, masked and cleaned. It's now ready for the white base coat. |
Sealer-White and Semi-Opaque Bright White have been applied. The entire helmet was masked with 2" 3M auto masking tape. The design was layed out with pencil and then cut with a swivel-blade. The area to be red has been removed. |
2 light coats and a final "wet" coat have been applied to the mask. Adequate coverage was achieved, so this will be the end of the red application. Next, mask removal and yellow border application. |
A few steps omitted, here's the final version. New felt and rubber have been added in addition to a new face shield. |